
Reading this message pissed me off last night (client almost got manipulated)

April 23, 20243 min read

Last night, I received a question from one of my clients.

And when I heard the voice note…I frankly got a little upset.

My client (focused on gaining greater clarity in life) recently attended a few free masterclasses.

As most of us would know, the speaker would present a paid program at the end of the event; I find nothing wrong with this as that’s how the industry generally works - even for the valuable programs out there.

But what upset me was when I realized what he had been told by people trying to persuade him to join the program.

“If you don’t join, you have limiting beliefs.”

“Don’t think and sign up first; that’s how you succeed.”

“If you cannot find a way to afford this, you will always be restricted in your life.”

Fortunately, my client was not emotionally manipulated into joining, and I was glad he messaged me before making the decision (many of my clients also check in with me before deciding to invest in such programs).

However, while I did feel pissed at what these people told my client, I understand that some people do have limiting beliefs as I do see many people who I feel would greatly benefit from investing in programs to upgrade their lives but are too stubborn or “blind” to see it.

But at the end of the day, I find it all boils down to one thing.

Getting Clear of Your Priorities.
That’s because if you are unclear about your priorities, you will start questioning your decision, and that’s when people can easily manipulate you to buy.

For example, this quarter, my focus is on 3 things:

1. Growing my list and creating higher-quality content for business
2. Improving my physical & mental strength for my health
3. Enhancing my decision-making skills in every area of my life

So, if I receive an “irresistible offer” not aligned with the 3 areas above or if anyone is trying to guilt-trip me into buying, it’s very easy to say No.

Of course, while I could still make one-off exceptions or even impulse purchases due to time-sensitive opportunities, etc., I do it because I choose to.

For my business, while we generally have a 70% conversion rate because we heavily qualify who we work with, people who choose not to sign up still have a great experience during our calls together (In fact, many of them are even willing to write positive testimonials for us!).

We also give our clients all our proven sales playbooks, scripts, and templates, which we use to convert customers effectively without ever using sleazy or high-pressure techniques.

And so, if you are considering investing in a product or service in the future, whether you read an amazing sales letter or are “hard sold” into buying…

A very powerful question is whether you will be committed to taking the time, energy, and effort to implement what you learned in the first place.

By doing this…you can likely avoid wasting lots of hard-earned money, time, and effort…and actually move towards the goals that matter to you.

You got this.

- Marc “Priority” Teo

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