marc teo

The Evidence Theory (2025)

December 27, 20242 min read

Earlier today, after an amazing breakfast & walk at a nearby market, I drove 3 hours to Starbucks for a bonus Q&A coaching call with my clients:

People think I am crazy, but I do it because I want to, not because I have to.

Anyway, during the session, one of them asked a powerful question that I think could help you too.

"Marc, how do I show my audience that my values of transformation & resiliency?"

My answer surprised her, because it wasn't about crafting the perfect caption or using powerful keywords.

Instead, I shared a simple truth:

People don't believe what you tell them, they believe what you show them.

It's like when people say "I'm amazing!!" to themselves in the mirror every morning but deep down, they don't believe it.

Why? Because affirmations without evidence are just empty words.

This is exactly why I share stories about my journey - like how I invested $30,000 (half my annual salary) into my mentor when everyone thought I was crazy.

Or how I quit my stable government job to pursue entrepreneurship despite the uncertainty.

These aren't just stories - they're evidence of my values of growth & implementation.

And before you think this is just for sales & marketing purposes...

This applies to our self-beliefs too.

Instead of telling yourself you're "confident", take actions that build your confidence.

Instead of saying you're "resilient", face challenges head-on and overcome them (even small ones).

Because here's what I've learned after coaching hundreds of clients:

The more evidence you create through your actions, the stronger the belief becomes.

And when your belief becomes stronger, success becomes inevitable.

So moving forward, instead of focusing on what you want to tell others (or yourself)...

Focus on what your actions are showing.

You got this.

- Marc "Show Don't Tell" Teo

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