
My Wife Called me Weak (seriously)

April 23, 20242 min read

“Marc, you are not as mentally strong or disciplined as people think you are.”

My wife said this to me a while back, and I was taken aback when I heard it. No one has ever told me this before.

But she’s right, and here is why.

Since I was young, I was known to be a very happy go lucky kid. I LOVED to have fun, be free, and only do what I enjoy or believe in.

However, in Singapore, we know that life isn't always easy. As we get older, we start to feel pressure from many different sources: to study, to get a job, to pay the bills, etc.

Interestingly, while others were feeling stressed and burnt out over the years…I enjoyed myself because I was great at one simple thing.

I would change my environment so that I can enjoy what I do. For example:

1. Listening to my favorite music and songs while studying for my exams
2. Working at Starbucks when I had to do overtime at my 9-5
3. Conducting free investing workshops for my friends when I wanted to improve
4. Working at a hotel for deep, intense work (like what I am doing these days)

And if I could not enjoy my work or did not believe in what I was doing anymore…I’d quit and join something else.

Fortunately, the above has worked out pretty well for me, building a 5-figure monthly business while enjoying what I do, meeting amazing people along the way, etc.

However, when it comes to improving my health and fitness…I realized I needed to take a slightly different approach because it is truly a test of my mental strength.

To keep to my diet when no one is looking.
To push through the pain during workouts.
To keep doing the same boring thing over and over again.

And this is why I also realized that many successful athletes are successful in many areas of their lives because of this one thing:

Delayed Gratification - aka being able to wait & be patient now to get something better later.

So, while I pride myself on doing what I enjoy and finding meaning in my work, I realized that my physical training & nutrition journey has also helped me become more resilient and “disciplined” in my business.

So, while I wouldn’t call myself the most “disciplined” individual compared to many other amazing folks out there…

I will be committed to working on this to help me become a better leader, coach, and entrepreneur and impact more lives.

Not because I have to but because I choose to.

I will document my journey as I go along, but for now, the biggest lesson is…

The Wife is Always Right


- Marc “Disciplined” Teo

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