
A Lesson from an Ancient 700-Page Book

April 23, 20242 min read

Today, I am simply sharing a lesson I learned from the legendary book Reality Transurfing.

It is 700 pages long and written by a Russian physicist (the audiobook is 36 hours). Many successful people you know have probably read it before but don’t talk much about it.

Anyway, while I’ll probably do a proper summary later in the year, I just wanted to share one of my biggest takeaways:

The more you “justify” your limiting beliefs, the less likely you will succeed.

Let me explain.

Out of the hundreds of people I have personally coached over the years, almost all have a huge desire to achieve something—make more money, achieve freedom and fulfillment, launch a successful business, etc.

However, what I realized that usually stops people is the amount of limiting beliefs or conversations they have.

“I am not good enough.”
“What if people judge me?”
“What if I fail?”

Some more “aware” people also start explaining WHY those limiting beliefs are present - usually because of past events, etc.

“I used to be laughed at by my friends.”
“My parents kept criticizing me when I was young.”
“I have tried so many times and failed.”

(Now, what I share might not be relevant for all of you, so please get professional help if needed)

For example…I recently spoke with someone (let’s say his name is Jack) who wanted to make more money, care for his family, etc. He was a rather buff and fit guy, so you knew he had what it took to succeed.

To cut short the details, one of his biggest challenges was his inability to communicate effectively. He spoke softly, kept to himself, and usually needed others to initiate conversations with him.

This would have been fine, but he recently joined the sales industry and had another problem…he’d refuse to work on meeting more people and improving his communication skills!

When asked why, Jack would simply bring up past events, limiting beliefs, and his “mindset issues” whenever we discussed ways to overcome them!

Instead, all he would do is learn more financial concepts and repost inspirational quotes on social media, but avoid the most important thing - speaking and communicating with people.

Anyway, while I sincerely wish Jack well because I used to be like that at one point of time, I also hope you use this story to remind you of this:

Yes, despite the struggles, problems, and issues you have been through, you still have everything it takes to win

However, if you want to succeed, you cannot use past events to justify your inability to take action. (In fact, according to the book, it might be better if you do not attach emotions to your goals at all; will share more about this at a later time).

Because when you finally overcome the above, you can confidently move toward achieving your goals and dreams.

You got this.

- Marc “Transurfing” Teo

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