Join 2.2k+ readers to learn the exact strategies, tools & tactics I've used to make >$4M as a digital marketer, generate >$300K for my side hustle, & build a multiple 6-figure lifestyle business...while helping other clients do the same.
"Went from having a lack of clarity to generating six figures over a weekend" - Victor
"Generated $950k in revenue in less than a year" - Joee
"Went from being extremely burnt out to gaining >$5M in revenue within <8 months" - Ding Yang
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This is for you if you are a:
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– Wants to build a lucractive lifestyle business so you can be free & fulfilled to do what you enjoy
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My personal lessons, insights, & experiences of how my clients & I build a multiple 6-figure lifestyle business
In a few hours, I'll be flying to Japan for my end of year holidays
It'll not only be a great time to recharge with my wife...but celebrate our progress for the past year.
And before I go off, wrote this out for all of you...
In short, here's something counter-intuitive about success that took me years to understand...
Sometimes, the most powerful thing you can do is to do nothing.
That's why this final week of 2024, while others are sprinting to squeeze in last-minute goals, I'm doing something different.
I'm resting. Deliberately. Strategically. Intentionally.
This isn't about being lazy or checking out early...
It's about understanding a fundamental truth about sustainable high performance that most miss.
The highest performers in any field - from elite athletes to billion-dollar CEOs - don't just work hard. They rest hard.
I discovered this the hard way after years of non-stop hustle nearly led to complete burnout...
Until I learned what I now call the "3R Framework" that changed everything.
First, there's Review.
This is where you acknowledge your wins, examine your lessons, and get crystal clear on what actually moved the needle this year.
Not the busy work. Not the distractions. The real moves that mattered.
Then comes Recharge - but not in the way most think.
True recharging happens on four main levels:
Physical recharging - giving your body what it needs through proper sleep, nutrition, and recovery.
Emotional recharging - filling your spirit through genuine connection and joy.
Mental recharging - clearing your mind of the endless digital noise and information overload.
Spiritual recharging is to relook at your relationship with God, your religion, and/or your purpose for life.
Finally, there's Relaunch.
This isn't about making generic New Year's resolutions...
It's about setting clear intentions from a place of clarity and strength, not exhaustion and pressure.
The fascinating thing?
The most successful people I know practice this at multiple levels:
They take micro-breaks every hour.
They have non-negotiable daily routines.
They schedule weekly disconnects.
They plan quarterly retreats.
But here's what separates those who sustain success from those who burn out:
They don't wait until they're exhausted to rest.
They make it part of their success strategy.
That's why this final week, instead of pushing harder...
I'm deliberately slowing down to speed up.
Because the quality of your rest determines the quality of your results for your income..and life.
Have an amazing break
- Marc "Recharging" Teo
Well, let’s first start with who I’m not - I am NOT a “make money fast” guru (if you’re looking for those, please kindly leave this page) or do I profess to know everything.
Personally, I'm happily on a lifelong mission to help 9-5s & entrepreneurs lead a Rich & Fulfilled life. I'm still learning & growing just like you, and I've invested ~$150,000 worth of coaching & mentorship over the past couple of years. Today, I only teach the lessons I have personally used that have created massive transformation & results for myself.
From 2016-2018, I was a Full-Time Employee who Advised >1,000 entrepreneurs & facilitated >$5 Million of funding for high-tech startups & companies
In 2019, I made my first 6 Figure Income by being #1 Affiliate for Tony Robbins in Asia & at the same year, I also joined a Global Investment Education Arm as a Growth Marketer, Coach & Trainer (have taught ~1000 students in total).
In 2020, I helped 2 startups to achieve >$2-5 million combined as a Growth Marketer, and transitioned to being a Full-Time Entrepreneur shortly after.
In 2021, I built a multiple 6-figure Coaching Business in 6 months, and continue to help folks build a lucrative lifestyle business with proven systems & mentorship - and continue to share my life's work & lessons through my content & programs.
Join 2.2k+ readers to learn the exact strategies, tools & tactics I've used to make >$4M as a digital marketer, generate >$300K for my side hustle, & build a multiple 6-figure lifestyle business...while helping other clients do the same.